12:07 PM
→ When geese fly in a "V", why is one side longer?
Because there are more geese on that side
Because there are more geese on that side
→ Why do cows wear bells?
Because their horns don't work
Because their horns don't work
→ What did the turkey say to the chicken?
Gobble gobble
Gobble gobble
→ Why do hens lay eggs?
If they dropped them, they'd break
If they dropped them, they'd break
→ Which side of the chicken has he most feathers?
The outside
The outside
→ Doctor, I can t stop behaving like a dog.
How long have you been acting this way?
Since I was a puppy!
How long have you been acting this way?
Since I was a puppy!
→ Two snakes meet each other..
First snake:I hope I am not poisonous.
Second snake:Why?
First snake:Because I bit my lip!
First snake:I hope I am not poisonous.
Second snake:Why?
First snake:Because I bit my lip!
→ Q : What do stylish frogs wear?
A : Jumpsuits!
A : Jumpsuits!
→ Q : What did the frog order at McDonald's?
A : French flies and a diet Croak
A : French flies and a diet Croak
→ Q : How does a frog feel when he has a broken leg?
A : Unhoppy
A : Unhoppy
→ Q : What goes, 99-thump, 99-thump, 99-thump &
A : A centipede with a wooden leg
A : A centipede with a wooden leg
→ Q : What do you get from a pampered cow?
A : Spoiled milk.
A : Spoiled milk.
→ What kind of work does a weak cat do?
A : Light mouse work
A : Light mouse work
→ Q : How do you identify a bald eagle?
A : All his feathers are combed over to one side
→ How do you circumcise a whale?A : All his feathers are combed over to one side
A : You need at least four skin divers
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