Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Funny Facts


Did you know that every cat has 32 different muscles in each ear, or that the brain of an octopus is actually smaller than its eye?


Were you aware that tigers not only have striped fur, but even their skin is striped as well?


Most people didn’t know that Napoleon Bonaparte actually drew up his battle plans inside of a sandbox.


John Lennon’s first girlfriend was actually named Thelma Pickles.


Hungarian piano virtuoso Franz Liszt (1811-1886) would play the piano so well that women in the audience would swoon (faint)
and this actually caused a word - 'Lisztomania' - to be coined while Franz was still alive. As Liszt's popularity grew his fans
would write to him and ask him for a lock of his hair. This happened again and again. Soon Liszt received so many
requests that he started snipping patches of fur from his dog to send to his admirers.


A quarter of the bones in your body are actually in your feet, seeing as each foot has 26 of the 206 bones in the entire human body.


Your nose can actually recall over 50,000 different scents and smells.


Relatively speaking the strongest muscle in the human body is ... the tongue!


Pound for pound, every unborn child is stronger than an ox.


Babies are always born with blue eyes.


A cough leaves your body at 60 miles per hour.


Your memory is affected by the position of your body.


You can't tickle yourself. Or rather, you can tickle yourself, but it doesn't work. Try it.
This is actually why some doctors place a ticklish patient's hand over theirs when they examine the patient - it prevents the tickling sensation.


Your body has enough fat to make approximately 7 bars of soap.


Earwax is a great 'invention' - without earwax, your ears would contract infections easily. This is particularly important for people
using headphones - since the use of those gadgets cause the bacteria et al. to multiply in the ear ducts.


66% of the people in the world tilt their heads to the right when they kiss.
Nobody really knows why. Many scientists have speculated that this is something that began in the womb.


Approx. 66% of people kissing have their eyes closed as they kiss.


The tradition of kissing is supposed to descend from the ancient Roman tradition of kissing to seal a contract.


Every time you kiss, you exchange DNA, fats, mineral salts and proteins - plus between 1 and 10 billion bacteria - with the recipient of your kiss.


A woman in China suffered partial hearing loss after her boyfriend reportedly ruptured her ear
drum by kissing her overly passionately on the mouth. Evidently the kiss caused the pressure in her mouth to be reduced,
which in turn pulled out the eardrum and caused the rupture in the ear.


If you engage in a quick romantic kiss you will burn approximately 2-3 calories.
If you want to REALLY burn those calories, you need to French kiss (which is where
you kiss with your mouths open to enable tongue contact). Yep, a French kiss will
eradicate more than five calories! :-) If you make your kiss last, though, you will
burn more: approximately 26 calories per minute. Which is great to know, because
the average person will actually spend two full weeks of their life kissing.


Your brain is 80% water, and uses 20% of the daily calorie and oxygen requirement of your body.


Your brain is a total energy hog. While the brain only accounts for about three per cent of the body's total weight, the brain actually consumes 17 per cent of the energy the body uses.


Your brain cannot actually feel pain. Despite the fact that your brain actually processes pain, the actual brain itself is unable to feel any pain at all.


There is a centre in the brain for jokes. Yep, that's right. The frontal lobe of the brain, particularly the right side, is responsible for your reaction to jokes and humorous anecdotes. Some patients with damage to those particular parts of the brain no longer 'get' jokes at all.


Today's human brain is supposedly smaller than the average Neanderthal’s brain.


150 calories are used for every hour you spend banging your head against a wall.


Kegel exercises (squeezing-and-relaxing which strengthens the human vagina) were invented way back in the 1940s by a man. His name was Arnold Kegel and he was a doctor in Los Angeles, USA.


The vaginal gymnastics we now call Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor which is recommended for women after childbirth and for women suffering from urinary incontinence. The funny fact is, however, that there are a number of even more interesting reasons to do Kegel exercises: A woman who exercises her vagina is likely to have an easier time reaching orgasm, her orgasms will be stronger, and her vagina will be more sensitive.
Obviously many men rather like it when their woman has a strong vagina, but in fact men, too, benefit from doing those squeezing exercises. Some versions of Tantra (an ancient sex technique) advocate 'male Kegel exercises' as a prerequisite for male multiple orgasms.


People with higher IQs are supposed to have more dreams, as well as have a better chance of combating a mental illness.


You, on average, use about fifty seven squares of toilet paper every day.


An average person's body - both male and female bodies - produces about half a liter of farts every day, causing them to fart approximately 14 times a day.


The gas we fart leaves our body at a speed of ten feet (approximately 3 meters) per second.

100 people on average choke to death on ball point pens every year.


A roller-ball-tip marking pen was first patented in 1888 - but never actually produced. In 1935 the Hungarian brothers Ladislas and Georg Biro tried again, several times actually, with better luck, but not enough. Their pens didn't work well enough, and after a frenetic period in the 1940 where everybody tried to create the perfect ball point pen - and failed - it was a French fellow by the name of Marcel Bich, who took the ball point pen to the next level. In 1952 Bich introduced his "Ballpoint Bic": a smooth-writing, non-leaky, inexpensive ballpoint pen with a clear barrel. This is the basic form of the ballpoint pen which we know and use today. The British actually still call them Biros, and, as a tribute to their primary inventors many Bic models also say "Biro" on the side of the pen.


If you yelled for eight years, seven months, and six days, you will have generated sufficient sound energy to heat up a single cup of coffee.


The note used for the average American car horn is F.


Many people would be surprised to learn that the electric chair was actually invented by a dentist.


The world record for the most money ever paid for a cow at an auction is 1.3 million dollars


The industry for "naked travel and recreation" has actually grown 233% in the last 10 years.


Antarctica actually has its own international dialling code, and you can give it a ring by pressing 672 when calling internationally.


It was actually considered the mark of a leader in ancient Rome when one was born with a crooked nose.


Dr Seuss is actually the man responsible for coining the word "nerd". It was first used in his book, “If I Ran the Zoo”.


Most suicides actually happen on Mondays. Apparently everyone seems to hate Mondays.

The world famous entertainer/dinosaur, Barney the Dinosaur, actually comes from Dallas, Texas.


You have a better chance of dying while going to get your lottery ticket than you do actually winning the lottery.


If you have four friends that are mentally stable, then you are likely to be ill, as psychiatrists say that 1 in 5 people is mentally ill.


Most people don’t know that the term "best man" at a wedding used to mean the person that was most adept at kidnapping women. Ancient Scotsmen would actually kidnap their wives to be, and the one who was best at it had the title of best man bestowed upon him.


In 16th Century France, newly married couples had to stand outdoors stark naked while the groom planted a kiss on the bride’s left foot and toe as a part of the customs of the day


According to a study, 24% of the homes that have lawns tend to have a lawn ornament of some sort in their front yard.


The inside of your wallet is actually an incubator for germs. Thanks to the warmth and moisture produced when you sit on your wallet, germs can flourish and grow out of control.


The first flush toilet in existence is supposed to have dated back to 2000 BC.


The fact that soap bars can float is actually originally a mistake caused by adding too much air to the bubbles. However, once the errant manufacturers received hundreds of letters stating how customers preferred floating soap, well, many soap bars have floated ever since that day.


Toothbrushes as we know them were invented in China and used hog bristles or horse hair on ivory handles.


There is a spoon museum in New Jersey, USA. It contains over 5,400 spoons from places around the world.


A disposable diaper can hold, on average, as much as seven pounds of liquid.


Research has shown that babies that suck a lot on pacifiers are more likely to developing earaches.


The costliest perfume in the world is Parfum VI, and is made exclusively by Arthur Burham. The costly perfume comes in a 24 carat gold bottle encrusted with diamonds, and costs over $71,000.


Antifreeze contains the same chemicals that are found in a number of deodorants and toothpastes.


The Romans were the first to use toothpicks as they ate, though they used porcupine quills.


Teflon is the most slippery substance in the world.


The wealthy were the only people to use underwear hundreds of years ago.


On average an office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet.


There are actually towns in Saskatchewan, Canada, that are named Drinkwater, Eyebrow, and Elbow.


Riding a bicycle for a trip longer than 50 minutes in Tokyo will actually get you to your destination faster than making the same trip by car.


There is exactly 1 slot machine for every 8 residents in the city of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.


A handy warning to tourists visiting Iceland: 'In this frozen country, tipping is actually an insult'.


There is a chandelier made out of human bones in a church in Czechoslovakia.


There is only one penis museum in the world, and this museum dedicated to the science of the penis, or Phallology, is in Reykjavik, Iceland.


The Great Wall of China was (and is) actually several walls in conjunction with each other. The Great Wall used to run for a total of about 8,850 km (5,500 miles) across the countryside of Northern China. It was meant to keep the (largely Mongolian) enemies of the state out, and amazingly, it worked fairly well, too.


The three names that are best known in China are: Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon, and Elvis Presley.


The Buganda people in Uganda have a curious tradition in which the widows of a deceased king had the honor of drinking beer in which the dead king’s entrails had been cleansed.


Roughly 50% of the newspapers published in the entire world are actually published in Canada and the United States alone.


It is illegal to throw knives at men wearing striped suits in Natoma, Kansas, USA.


In Omaha, Nebraska, USA, it is illegal to sneeze or burp while in church.


The world’s only flying saucer launching pad is in Saint Paul, Alberta, Canada.


There was actually an undersea post office in the Bahamas between 1939 and 1942.


Columbus is responsible for bringing cacao to Europe when he returned from his fourth voyage to the New World in 1502.


The war between England and Zanzibar in 1896 lasted exactly 45 minutes, after which Zanzibar promptly surrendered.


In 18th Century Britain you were actually able to take out insurance against going to hell.


Karl Marx, accredited as the Father of Communism in the Soviet Union, actually never set foot within the borders of Russia.


"Flipping the bird" (which has little to do with rotating avian creatures, but rather is an act meant to cause offense by extending the central digit of the hand) actually comes from a Roman play written in 423 BC by Aristophanes.


The Valentine’s Day tradition of sending cards was established in 1840 when the Penny Post made sending messages much cheaper.


The Mayflower was actually deconstructed and recycled into a barn once it was no longer in use.


Over the last three and a half millennia, only 230 years have passed in which there has been no war.


The Mayans tried to make their children fit into their conception of beauty by flattening their heads with a board since birth, as well as walking around perpetually cross eyed.


The phrase "Good night, sleep tight" comes from the time of William Shakespeare. Mattresses were secured onto bed frames by ropes, and the mattress became tighter when the ropes were pulled, hence the expression.


The Babylonians are responsible for the term "honeymoon". The name comes from the tradition in which a bridegroom’s parents were bound by custom to keep the bride and groom supplied with a honey wine for the entire month after their wedding.


Cats sleep approx. 16 to 17 hours every day, making the term cat nap a complete misnomer.


Armadillos, on the other hand, sleep for an average of 18.5 hours a day. Also, as opposed to cats, Armadillos can walk underwater.


The Kea bird is a 46-48 cm long bird that lives in New Zealand and loves to eat the rubber sealant around the window of cars.


The quack of a duck doesn’t echo, and no one has been able to figure out the reason for this.


Bananas are not only the favorite fruit of many monkeys and humans, they're also the favorite fruit of reindeer.


Elephants are the only land based animals incapable of jumping.


What does a giraffe say? Nothing. The giraffe has a huge heart, making it the animal of choice for Marshall Rosenberg's love based Non Violent Communication, a.k.a. giraffe language, but the giraffe has no vocal cords - making Marshall Rosenberg's choice that much more interesting.


The speed at which termites eat wood doubles when they listen to heavy metal music.


The eye of an ostrich is bigger than its brain. (Much like that of octopi).


Butterflies use their feet to taste.


The average person spends three years out of their life sitting on the toilet.


In space, astronauts are unable to shed tears when they cry because there is no gravity to pull the tears out.


More than ten people are killed every year by vending machines (tipovers, possibly because people are messing with them). 


There are hundreds of weird but true facts out there that most people have no idea about.


Who knew that eagles mate while still airborne, that a great of officers is actually referred to as a mess, that pearls melt in vinegar ... and hundreds of other bizarre facts.


While many of these facts are not important facts of life, there are a number of strange but true facts that make for great entertainment.


We have compiled a long list of some of the most bizarre facts about different areas of life, and these weird but true facts are guaranteed to put a smile on your face.


By combining force of numbers with organized aggression, ants have become the greatest insect killers on earth - including their own kind.


Armadillos are able to contract leprosy.


When the ant is intoxicated, it will always fall over on its right side.


More people are killed every year by donkeys than by plane crashes.


During warm weather hippos secrete pink sweat, which helps to not only cool them down but also helps combat infections on their skin.


It is the female lion that does over 90 percent of the hunting, while the male lion is afraid to risk his life, or simply prefers to rest.


A crocodile is unable to stick out its tongue.


The elephant brain weights roughly 6,000 grams. The cat brain weighs about 30 grams. (And despite these weird but true facts, you may find that the average cat is actually more intelligent than the average elephant).


A dog's naked rear doesn’t leave bacteria when pressed against a carpet.


The world's smartest pig, owned by a math teacher in Madison, Wisconsin, memorized the multiplication tables up to 12.


Flies are deaf.


A cat's jaws cannot move sideways.


Even a small amount of alcohol placed on a scorpion will make it go crazy and sting itself to death.


Penguin urine accounts for roughly 3% of the ice in Antarctic glaciers.


Turtles are able to breathe through their butts.


A bad case of laryngitis forced Abraham Lincoln to lip-sync the Gettysburg Address. The speech was actually delivered by an aide hidden beneath the stage.


The word “testify” comes from men in the Roman court swearing to a statement made by swearing on their testicles.


The first speeding ticket was given in 1895 in the city of Hampshire. The culprit was fined for clocking the terrific velocity of 6 miles per hour.


$350,000 was saved every year after an airline company reduced a small piece of olive on every first class passenger's meal in 1987.


Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark. (hence the name he gave his creation: Lightbulb)

According to a British law passed in 1845, suicide is a very serious crime for which the punishment was death by hanging.


Leonardo Da Vinci spent 12 years painting the Mona Lisa's lips.


Johnny Plessey spent the entire 1981 season batting with a rolled-up and lacquered copy of a newspaper, yet still managed to bat .331 for the Cleveland Spiders.


King Henry VIII slept with a huge axe.


An early draft of the Declaration of Independence included a line by Benjamin Franklin inviting King George to "kisse our collective arse".


During the 1600's, both boys and girls in England wore dresses until they were about seven years old.


When Hitler's mother conceived him, she considered abortion as a solution until the doctor convinced her to keep the baby. (And look how that turned out!)


Twenty-nine percent of women spend more time shopping for shoes than they do looking for a lifelong mate.


The person who invented the waffle iron actually disliked waffles.


One of every three snakebite victims is drunk, while one out of every five is tattooed.


One out of every three male motorists picks their nose while driving.


23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts.


40% of all women have thrown their shoes at a man.


Approximately $25 million is spent every year in Las Vegas on lap dances.


The average woman uses her height in lipstick every year.


35% of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married.


Women end up digesting most of the lipstick they apply.


You share your birthday with at least 9 million other people in the world


If a native Hawaiian woman places the flower on her right ear, she is available. (The larger and more brightly colored the flower is, the more desperate she probably is.)


in Chinese, the KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) slogan "finger licking good" translates to "eat your fingers off".


According to statistics, Australian women are more likely to have sex on the first date.


The original meaning of "Samba" in the Brazilian Samba dance is "rubbing bellies together”.

In Japan, it is totally acceptable to name your child "Prostitute" or "Buttocks".

Public contests were held in ancient Japan to see who was able to fart the loudest and longest.

Club Direct, a British travel insurance company, offers insurance on protection from falling coconuts.

The French language has 17 different words for "surrender".

Among items left behind at Osama bin Laden's headquarters in Afghanistan were 27 issues of MAD magazine. Al Qaeda members have admitted that bin Laden is reportedly an addicted follower of MAD magazine.

Over 98% of people in Japan are cremated after they die.

More redheads are born in Scotland than in any other part of the world.

Malaysians bathe their babies in beer to protect them from disease.

Dueling is legal in Paraguay, provided that both duelists are registered blood donors.

British farmers are required by law to provide their pigs with toys.

Japanese have cultivated a square shaped melon, simply because it was convenient to store in a refrigerator.

Arab women can file for divorce if their husband doesn't pour coffee for them.

The glue on Israeli stamps is certified kosher.

Nearly 10% of American households dress their pets in Halloween costumes.

Nobody born in Kentucky has even been elected to Congress.

Forty percent of American adults are unable to fill out a bank slip correctly.

The average American spends a third of their time online playing games and visiting social networks.

Fortune cookies were actually invented in 1918 by an American, Charles Jung.

Anyone convicted of animal cruelty in Sedalia, Missouri, is sentenced to a month's confinement in the county animal shelter.

George W. Bush was head of his high school's cheerleading team. He was also arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol when he was 30 years old, and is the cousin of Playboy's founder Hugh Hefner.

George Washington grew marijuana in his garden.

The U.S Government spent $277,000 in 1993 on pickle research.

The average American drinks about 600 sodas every year, and eats at McDonald's more than 1,800 times in their life in addition to consuming 9 pounds of food additives every year.

Only 55% of Americans know that the sun is a star.

About 2/3 of American men prefer to wear boxers over briefs.

According to American laws, beer commercials are not legally allowed to show anyone actually drinking the beer.

California has issued driver's licenses to at least 6 people named Jesus Christ.

Hypnotism is banned by public schools in San Diego.

If Wal-Mart was classified as a country, it would be the 24th most productive country in the world.

1976, a secretary from Los Angeles named Jannene Swift officially married a 50-lb rock in a ceremony witnessed by more than 20 people.

In Cleveland, Ohio, it is illegal to trap mice without a hunting license.

In Nebraska, it is illegal for bar owners to sell beer unless they are brewing a kettle of soup at the same time.

It is against the law to sneeze or burp in a church in Nebraska.

Every time you lick the back of a stamp, you absorb roughly one tenth of a calorie.

Barbie Doll's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.

If you want to sell your home faster, paint it yellow.

It is very difficult to do, but you can actually start a fire by rubbing two Cool Ranch Doritos together.

A toothpick is the object choked on most often by Americans.

Each year, there are more than 40,000 toilet related injuries in the United States alone.

Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite.

A large part, perhaps the majority of the dust in your home consists of your own dead skin.

Don't try this, but heating up a rock in the microwave will cause the rock to explode.

Coke was originally colored green.

Honey is the only thing that will not rot or spoil.

If you talk on the phone for more than an hour, the amount of germs and assorted debris in your ear will increase by 700 times.

Lighters were invented before matches.



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