Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Catherine Bell

Catherine Bell, the star of the TV show "Army Wives" that wasnot kicked off of a military benefit/charity show for being too inebriated, is one of the hottest Scientologists out there, if not THE hottest one (you decide!) 

She's also in that show JAG that your grandparents go apesh*tover.

Bell was raised Roman Catholic and went to an all girls Catholic school (aww yeah), which somehow didn't sit well with her so much that she is now a practicing Scientologist. Because practice makes perfect. 

Catherine Bell has attested to attaining the "Scientology State of Clear", which doesn't mean she now looks like that awesome Ice Man toy you used to have, but actually means she's reached the top level (out of 2 levels) that you can attain as a Scientologist. 

According to Scientology's teachings:
A state of Clear is reached when a person becomes free of the influence of engrams, unwanted emotions or painful traumas not readily available to the conscious mind.


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